I am self-learning enthusiast, who like to learn new features and ideology, create new concepts in IT world. Currently working at INKHUNTER as Android Augmented Reality Engineer. My stack is C++{14}, Java, Python, JavaScript and many other frontend/backend technologies. Also, I developing machine learning models and solve problems with them.
Scripting like a pro
Scripting is one of my favorite programming techique, it's really amazing when you can solve the problem without compilation and in few lines of code. In the current thread, I will introduce you into command line shell Zpy, for writing powerfull scripts.
Simple C/C++ computer cluster
In the current post, we will try to implement simple computer cluster and compute Fibonacci number as an example. Also, we will implement brute force attack on encoded md5 passwords, by using computer cluster.
Playing around with WebAssembly
Web assembly is an efficient low-level bytecode format for compilation to the web browsers. It can be used to port your c++/c code into web assembly code, which can be run inside browser or node.js web server. It can be fast encoded/decoded, fast sent to the client through the network because of small size.
Road to tree style functional language with C++{11} initializer list constructor, move constructor and variadic templates
C++{11} has a lot of new features with constructors, like move constructor or brace-enclosed initializer list constructor. We will try to implement our programming language by using brace-enclosed initializer list constructor, move constructors, and variadic templates. We will try to implement a simple expression calculator at this post, you can try it online
Multifunctional enumerator, std::any{C++17} and templates.
In many cases, you will wonder to enumerate all possible candidates in the dictionary, by the way, it's using in Brute-force search. Also, enumerations can be using in permutations, and many other cases.
Metaprogramming and Constexpr c++{14}
Constexpr is most confusing keyword in c++11. I'll try to give answer to this questions: What the difference between const and constexpr? What is constexpr function and how declare constexpr class? How to decrease the complexity of Fibonacci numbers to constant O(1) time without closed form expression? If you are interested, read this post :)
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